Mount Abu, Rajasthan 307501, INDIA
Affiliation No.: RA002, School Code: -
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Admission And Withdrawal

  1. The Management holds the right to determine on what condition it will admit or detain pupils in the School.
  2. A student who joins the School has to produce an Official Original Birth Certificate such as the Municipal / Baptism Certificate in support of the date of birth entered in the admission form. At no time and under no circumstances will any request for a change in the date of birth be entertained.
  3. Leaving Certificate is compulsory at the time of Admission. The same must be COUNTER SIGNED by the concerned Educational Authorities State/Board. Admission will be automatically cancelled if leaving certificate is not submitted within 15 days.
  4. Students are ordinarily admitted only at the new academic Session in February—March. No candidate will be admitted without a written Entrance test.
  5. Right to admission is strictly reserved to the Principal.
  6. A month's notice is required before the withdrawal of a pupil from school or a month's fee will be charged.
  7. No Leaving Certificate will be issued until all School dues are paid. The application form for the Leaving Certificate is inserted in this Handbook. An application for a Leaving Certificate by a Guardian will not be entertained. Only parents may apply for the admission and withdrawal of their ward.
  8. At the time admission to Class I, the child should complete 5 years on 1st March of the year. The child should complete 15 years of age on 1st March of the year in which she appears for the Board’s Secondary Examination.
  9. The Management has absolute freedom in the choice of candidates for admission to various classes.
  10. Admission is granted only on submission of the Application Form duly filled in and signed by the parents. Date of birth once registered cannot be changed.
  11. Documents required for admission are not returnable.
  12. Promotions are granted on the basis of the whole year’s work, regularity in attendance, tests and examinations.
  13. The results of the Examination are final and cannot be reconsidered.
Mount Abu, Rajasthan 307501, INDIA

Developed & Maintained by: Ajay Lobo