Sophia High School, Mount Abu, Rajasthan, established in February 1951, is managed by the Mission Sisters of Ajmer, members of a Religious Indian Congregation which belongs to the Christian Religious Minority, India, governed by Article 30 (i) of the Indian Constitution. The Sisters have dedicated their lives to God and Humanity, to render devoted service in the Educational field.
Admission is open to all, irrespective of religion, caste or community.
The aim of our institution is to give Indian girls, benefit of a refined education on modern lines, with facilities both for study and domestic training. A sound moral training is imparted to our students together with useful knowledge and accomplishments adapted to their age and social standing. Pupils are under the direct supervision of the Sisters. They are trained to acquire self-reliance and become conscientious women committed to God and Country. Our Staff spare no efforts to create a congenial and happy environment for their charges. They provide every facility to develop their individual abilities.